Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

he first time I attended a writing class I think that this lesson will be difficult and boring but after I followed several times meeting with Mr. jo I feel that writing is fun though indeed I cannot write, also a bit confusing, but I still enjoyed it.and I think the existence of this writing class I could channel my thoughts through writingwith the duties of Mr. jo it further improve my writing skills.

My Biography

Hello guys my name Lidya and i was born on March 28, 1995 in Sorong.  I was first child of my parents, Evendy, lecturer and Basaria, housewife. i have brother. He two years younger than me. His name is Amos now he is in senior high school.to be honest,  i'm bataknese but i wasnt born in batak land. When my mom in pregnancy my mom and my dad moved from Batu- Malang to Sorong (West-Papua) because of that I was born in sorong. I have lived in Batu-Malang for 10 yeas before I moved to surabaya. I spent my childhood in there. So many memories that I assemble there with friends of my childhood. I moved in surabaya when I was in Third of Junior High School. It was a time that is so hard for me. Because I had to start everything from the bottom. For example adapt to a enviroment, got to know new friends at school. but I'm trying to enjoy every process. but the way now I go to University of Widya Mandala. I'm a first -year student. I'm studying English Language. 
my favorite activities are listening music and swimming. Swimming is fun and healty though. I don't watch TV , I watch movies. I like watch action movies and cartoon movies. i don't like read books but I like read novels, comics, and encyclopedia. I like listening pop music and jazz music my favorite pop music is Chris Brown. He is American. He is popular in England too. My favorite food is "Rendang"  my favorite dessert is ice cream. my bestfriend is Gaza. he's manadonese, I like listening music/jamming with him. 

Selasa, 08 Maret 2016


   Panda is a big and chubby animal because panda have weigh over 100 kg, so panda look like a doll. Panda is animal from western China and Tibet, especially from the bamboo forest China and Tibet.  Panda has 2 foots and 2 hands. Panda use its hands to eat bamboo and its leaves. Panda search bamboo together with others panda. Beside that, the hands also use to help walk, at the hands there are extra thumbs, which to helps panda eat. The foots also usually use too walk, but panda use its hands too. If panda stand, panda as tall as a man. 
                   Body panda is a black and white. In the head, there are black eyes patches and black ears. The head is white. Panda’s nose is big and the mouth as big as the nose. panda’s furry is long and straight, and also very soft and smooth. The skin thick and luxuriant furry make panda so cute.

medan my hometown, my lovely place with friendly people

I grew up at Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. For me, Medan is the best place to live in.Medan is currently the fourth largest city in Indonesia based on the total number of population. Outside of Java, Medan is the largest city and holds the central of government and commercial sector for the western part of Indonesia. Medan is well known for their tobacco plantation. Medan is also one of the most important port in Indonesia outside of Java. The latest addition of the Kuala Namu International Airport (still in progress) will give a huge impact on the growth of Medan commercial sector and will support the activity of becoming the central of the western part of Indonesia


Medan is inhabited by many different ethnic groups, mostly Malay, Batak, Javanese, Padang, and Chinese. Malay people are the natives of the Medan area, and have deep roots in Medan. They began ruling there during the Deli empire (Kesultanan Deli) until now. The empire has many lands and property of heritage in Medan, such as Istana Maimoon, Mesjid Raya Medan, Sultan Deli Pool and many more.

Batak people colour Medan with their hard work and strong character. Many are come from areas in North Sumatera such as, TobaSibolga, and Tanah Karo. The Batak have been established in Medan for many years, so sometimes people think they're the Medan natives.


The North Sumatra Museum is located approximately 4 km to the south from the center of the city, which is in HM. Joni Street 15 Medan. The Minister of Education and Culture Dr. Daoed Joesoef opened north Sumatran museum in April 1982.
This museum gives a lot of information about ethnic and cultural which exists in North Sumatra, including history and stories of the museum. Some activities that can be done in this museum are: photographs and studying and learn about culture and the object of the North Sumatran history.


Durian is a popular fruit in Indonesia and nowhere more so than in Medan. This thorny fruit, with its very distinctive taste and smell, is available for cheap all over the city.

Bika Ambon is a dessert from Indonesia. Made from ingredients such as tapioca flour, eggs, sugar, yeast and coconut milk, Bika Ambon are generally sold in pandan flavour, although other flavors such as banana, durian, cheese, chocolate are also available.


There are many old buildings in Medan that still retain their Dutch architecture. These include the old City Hall, the Central Post Office, Titi Gantung (a bridge over the railway) and The Tirtanadi Water Tower (Menara Air Tirtanadi), which is Medan City's icon